Sunday, May 6, 2012


Works Cited
Richardson, Will, and Rob Mancabelli. Personal Learning Networks: Using the Power of Connections to Transform Education. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree, 2011. Print.


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PLN as a teacher

how i plan to implement Personal Learning Networks into my classroom is by making my classroom learning centered which means that i am developing skills to help the children to become lifelong self-directed learners the next way i am going to implement Personal Learning Networks in my classroom is to connect students and teachers inside the classroom i will do this because creating connections in the classroom is an important first step because it gives teachers the chance to lay the ground work for opening up the classroom later.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

technology in the classroom

the technology that i will have in the classroom will consist of computers so that the preschoolers can play educational games and so that i can create powerpoints for lessons. a projector and a smart board so that i can pull up powerpoints that i created to show the preschoolers what the lesson of the day will be.

typical lesson

A  typical day  in my classroom would be first the kids would sign in and hang their coats up then they would wash their hands at the sink then we would have group time next we would have station time in which they would have libaray/relax time, computer time at the computer station, and finally they would get to play at the sand and water table. then we would have a mini science lesson with the store and explore science cart. next we would have a music class with the classroom big drum. finally we would have a writing/language arts lesson with the magnetic write and wipe board.

rituals and routines

the rituals and routines for communication would be when the kids sign in at the beginning of the day i would ask them how  they were feeling that day and then i would have communication with the parents as well. the rituals and routines for asscessibility would be moving things out of the way when kids walk in and then i would ask the children politely to pick up what they were doing so that there could be more accessibility in the classroom. the final thing would be the rituals and routines for student centered learning and that would be to explain directions less and let the kids figure it out on their own.

my classroom /narritive go to saved classrooms and click on miss stephanie k.

the three main issues that i focused on were communication, student centered learning and accessibility the first one i foucused on was communication and i did that by putting in a sign in communication center in my classroom. the next one i foucused on was student centered learning and what i put in my classroom was a store and explore science cart to help the kids learn about science the next thing i put into my classroom was a magnetic write and wipe board to help the kids learn to write. the final thing was accessibility and i did that by keeping open space in my classroom.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

i believe project

what i discovered about myself while creating the i believe project was that i have learned alot of things in my life and i am still learning new things. this project was fun to create. the way i would use video in my classroom would be having the preschoolers make a video about their favorite animal or their family.

Monday, April 30, 2012


what i learned about oers is why they are significant, what are the downsides of oers, where they are going and what are the implications for teaching and learning. Image DetailImage Detail

Thursday, April 26, 2012

take my survey

Whatcha think about ? favorite things -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- what is your fav class this semester sedu 183 eng 101 thea 203 what is your favorite season summer winter spring fall /autumn what is your favorite pet dog cat hamster bird reptile what is your favorite pair of pants jeans shorts capris Powered by Google Docs Report Abuse - Terms of Service - Additional Terms

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Belief essay

Stephanie Knapp
Sedu 183

Belief Essay
I believe that learning can occur at any age. Throughout my life I have been learning new things from learning to survive to learning that I am as strong as I thought I was.
When I was a baby I was born premature and during that time I was learning my first out of many lessons and that was learning to survive in the outside world. After I had learned that lesson that was when the real learning began my next lesson that I had to learn was learning how to walk and that took a lot of practice but I eventually learned how to do that. The next step in my life was going to school and when I was in preschool I had to learn how to be a friend to others and how to share. In Kindergarten I had learned how to count and the alphabet. In first and second grade I had learned how to add and subtract. In third, fourth, and fifth grade I had learned to multiply and divide. In sixth grade I had finally learned to do pre-algebra. In junior high school I had to learn to get adjusted to a new school. In ninth grade I had learned how to do algebra1 which is the continuation of the pre-algebra I had learned in sixth grade. Then I had hit high school and my sophomore year in high school I had learned to do geometry and that was fun to learn. In my junior and senior year I had learned how to algebra 2 which is a continuation of the algebra 1 that I had learned in my ninth grade year. I also learned not to be afraid of graduating at the end of my senior year. After graduation I went on to college where I had learned the second to last lesson of my life so far and that was learning to keep my personal items safe. During my first year at college before I came to Edinboro I had a roommate who stole my debit card and put my cell phone in the dorm toilet it was after this happened that I learned that I need to keep my personal  items safe and hidden so that they do not get stolen. The last lesson that I learned was that I am as strong as I think I am. This lesson occurred to me around the same time the last lesson happened because when the last lesson happened I was asked to file a police report  and it was after I did was when the lesson occurred because my dad told me that not many girls my age would have the courage to file a police report like I did and then I realized that I was as strong as I thought I was.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Cool Tools for School

One Educational tool that i found was quizcenter and it lets you create and correct online quizzes for your students.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

My Hobby

My Hobby is Collecting Keychains

About Me

My name is Stephanie Knapp and i am an preschool education major and i live in Highlands 8


My reaction to twitter is interesting because i am new to twitter and i would like to know how to tweet and stuff like that.

More Days At School

one of the current issues in education is should we have more days in school and what i think is no because from my opinion who would want to spend more then five days at school. President Obama thinks we should. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

power point assignment

i thought that by doing the powerpoint assignment was helpful because it gave me more information  on the state standred website and how to use it  ""

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

the things that i got from chapter one was that ther are six significant shifts 1. analog to ditigal, 2. theatered to mobile , 3. isolated to connected, 4. generic to personal, 5. consumption to creation, and close system to open system . how does all of these if any affect you ?